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Before making a choice on your second hand tractor it is essential to take into account the following factors such as your land characteristics, the specific operations conducted on it, and the daily tasks that need to be accomplished. This thoughtful consideration will guide you in selecting the appropriate tractor model and the optimal set of implements that align perfectly with your farming operation.
The weight of the tractor itself also comes into play along with the gearing and power. It is very important to get the right size tractor – if a tractor has more power than you need the engine will go unused and could, therefore, prevent the machine from running correctly.

There is a wide range of functionality to chose from or specify with modern ploughs. Variable furrow width is one feature, with either manual or hydraulic controls. Furrow ploughs can be fitted with skims, front furrow adjustment, discs, auto-reset feature, and on land/in-furrow configurations. Some of the recent ploughs such as the Kverneland i-plough are controllable from the tractor cab using an ISOBUS module.

Establishing a crop through direct drilling is the most important part of the farmer’s job. The profitability of the farm depends primarily on the success of the crop and all the jobs that revolve around it. It is important to get the cultivation methods right and create the seedbed, whilst maintaining the crop during the year. Disregarding how the crop is initially planted and whether it is done correctly, can lead to the entire process being useless

To water your crops and plants, Agricultural Irrigation machinery allows you to apply a specific amount of water to reach your plants at the required intervals. Irrigation is a great way to not only water your plants in a controlled manner, but also to help grow agricultural crops, and maintain landscapes. If you are looking for machinery to specifically revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas, then Agricultural Irrigation equipment is an efficient way to do so..

Power harrow combination drills and tine seeders for wet conditions, and the ever-popular Horsch and or Sprinter for high output drilling/Harrowing in drier conditions. There has been an apparent increase in recent times in direct drilling, leading to an increase in our range of seed drills and drills. With this taken into consideration, we now stock a comprehensive range in Claydon power Harrows.
The main purpose of a power harrow is to create a fine seedbed after ploughing or primary cultivation, the power harrow crumbles and mixes the soil and then the packer reconsolidates to form the basis for ideal drilling results. The finish of land cultivated with a power harrow is perfect for planting and often a power harrow will have a drill mounted on it so secondary tillage and drilling can be completed in one pass. Using a power harrow can also help to dry out the surface of the land in wet weather to help create the optimum planting conditions.
Using a power harrow comes with a host of benefits – find out more in our article about the benefits of using power harrows.